Home Health The 101: A Guide to Anti-Smoke Purifiers

The 101: A Guide to Anti-Smoke Purifiers


There’s no argument against the fact that cigarette smoke is hazardous to your health, and that applies to any stale cigarette smoke left lingering in a room over an extended period of time. When tobacco smoke is allowed to proliferate indoors, it is anywhere from 2 to 5 times more hazardous than it is in the outdoors.

Indoor tobacco pollution particles in your home may not overtly appear to be as much of an immediate hazard as a lit cigarette, but their danger should never be underestimated. With over 4000 active chemical compounds, secondhand smoke is just as capable of contributing to lung cancer as any cloud of newly generated smoke is. Those who suffer from asthma or allergies are put at the greatest risk by indoor secondhand smoke that is left unchecked.

How Anti-Smoke Purifiers Work

With an anti-smoke purifier, you can claim back the clean air that you’re entitled to have in your home. In many circumstances, investing in air purification is the only way to purge secondhand smoke that can’t be eliminated simply by opening a window.

An air purifier operates by vacuuming generous volumes of polluted indoor air into its frame. Once the purifier has captured the toxic air, it enacts a filtration process to separate the pollution particles from the oxygen. Once the purification process has been completed, the salvaged indoor air can be released back into the air without the hazardous toxins.

Different Terms for Anti-Smoke Purifiers

An anti-smoke purifier could be described as an autonomous filtration system built to target and eliminate airborne carcinogens. In technical terms, an anti-smoke purifier can be called a Hydro Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter. These devices may also sometimes be referred to as ionizers. Or, to keep things simple smoke eating products.

Anti-Smoke Purifier Performance Capacities

Different anti-smoke purifiers will have different weight capacities for their full chemical absorption potential. There are some anti-smoke purifiers that are capable of absorbing nearly up to 20 pounds of odor and chemicals that have been left lingering in the air for weeks at a time.

Depending on the specific performance grade of the purifier, certain models may be better-suited for medium or large-sized rooms than smaller rooms. The average coverage area of a high-performance air purifier is up to 1500 ft.², with a particle removal efficiency of 99.97% .

The All-Inclusive Air Purification Approach

The HEPA absorption and purification process is often designed to work in tandem with an activated carbon-targeting function. Whatever the specific functional design of the anti-smoke purifier may be, it best used as just one part of a consistent, active approach to air purity preservation. The best way to keep your indoor air clean is to prevent tobacco smoke from being released in the home in the first place.

It isn’t just the fact that secondhand smoke escapes into the air and lingers, but also the fact that the toxins can eventually embed themselves into your light bulbs, bedding, flooring, and various other solid objects. There are no anti-smoke purifier that can actively remove airborne toxins that have already adhered to solid objects, but with the purifiers in place, you can at least guarantee that new smoke won’t have nearly as much of a chance to damage your indoor air again.

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